Customer Testimonials

We have had the pleasure of working with Wendy and her staff for quite a few years. We are a 4th generation business, and customer service and product knowledge are paramount to our business. We feel Graham has the same principles. They have great product knowledge and continue to strive to keep our business stocked with the best product based on our needs. The ease of use of the website is fantastic. It is easy to browse and filter to find just the perfect strap. We feel Wendy and her staff are fully engaged and invested in the growth of our business together.

 - Jamie Hayes, Eldmar Watch Company, Los Angeles, CA


We have been using Graham International as a supplier for many years. In addition to supplying the highest quality products, Wendy Graham leads a top notch team committed to excellent customer service. She has consistently offered unique products in accordance to the needs and standards of our customers. Her straps are unrivaled in their quality and design. Her business practices are beyond reproach. All products arrive as specified in a timely fashion. It is an absolute pleasure to work with Wendy and her staff. We are grateful for the exemplary service and hope to continue to do business with Graham International for years to come.

Laura Kivel, Central Watch, Grand Central Terminal, New York, NY


Graham International is a great company. I love the B2B website. It is very user friendly and I can find out colors, sizes, and buckle sizes without having to call. It is very convenient. Graham International is just a pleasure to deal with. Wendy & her customer service team are great and orders are often shipped same day.

Guldeep Singh Sethi, Artiste Jewelers, New York, NY


Swiss Watchmaker recommends Graham International for:

  • quality merchandise
  • excellent prices that give a great return on investment
  • in-fashion style and color
  • customer service that only a seriously "detail & quality conscious" entrepreneur can provide as a result of great long term relationships in the industry

 - Susan Lelyveld, Swiss Watchmaker, Cambridge, MA